- Austria
- Andorra
- Argentina
- Australia
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Brazil
- British Indian Ocean Territory
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Chile
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Deutschland
- Egypt
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- India
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lihuania
- Luxembourg
- Malaysia
- Malta
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Marocco
- Netherlands
- New Zeland
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Romania
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Uruguay
- Vatican City
- Vietnam
Time of delivery (Poczta Polska):
The following delivery times are expected (D - means the day of posting, n - means the number of working days between the date of posting and delivery).
in A zone countries (Europe including Cyprus, Russia and Israel): up to three working days from posting date (D+3)
in B zone countries (North America, Africa), C zone countries (South America, Middle America and Asia), D zone countries (Australia and Oceania): up to five working days from posting date (D+5)
In the case of European Union countries, the standard specified in the European Union Directive states that 85% of the fastest category parcels (priority) should be delivered within three business days (D +3) and 97% of parcels within five business days (D +5).
For the remaining countries, the standard of delivery specified by the World Postal Union is 80% for the fastest category (priority) within five business days (D +5).
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- United Kingdom
Time of delivery (GLS): 1-3 business days